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Truth is powerful and inbodies those who seek it with an open mind.
Abortion Tv
Abortion Survivor
Sarah Smith
Get Sarah's Free Video . . .
After surviving her mother's abortion in 1970, Sarah Smith has become one of the most powerful pro-life voices in the battle against abortion. Sarah's stirring testimony touches hearts, changes minds and saves lives. Sarah wants to help you make a difference in your community. Please order Sarah's video today and share it with people at churches, schools, rallies and conferences in your community.
This powerful 10-minute documentary was produced by the 700 Club -- and it's one you'll never forget. You'll see Sarah as a baby crawling in a body-cast, then as a teenager and later as a dynamic public speaker who travels the world exposing the pain and suffering caused by abortion. When you see Sarah, you're seeing the face of a beautiful woman who would not be alive today if the abortionist had completed his "job."
You can receive a free copy of Sarah's amazing story on video by writing to us at Pro-Life America. Sarah's life-saving video is free. All we ask is that you send $5.00 to cover the shipping and handling costs. To order, please mail $5.00 for shipping and handling to:
Pro-Life America Attention:
Sarah Video Dept.
1840 S. Elena Ave. #103
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Checks should be made payable to Pro-Life America. Please include a brief note requesting "Sarah's Video" and be sure to include your name, address and phone number. Thank you!