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Truth is powerful and inbodies those who seek it with an open mind.
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Apes With Lip Stick
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prochoice, pro-choice, abortion, abortionist, women, woman, fetal, pregnancy, prolife, pro-life, anti-abortion, fetus, embryo, anti-life, clinic, doctor, pregnant, debate, feminist, information
Prochoice wackos change the meaning of words in order to deceive you about issues of abortion. Many are deceived and run around looking like apes with lip stick, see if you've been fooled by these pro-abortion sayings.
prochoice, prochoice prochoice, prochoice

proochoice abortion choice

prochoice pro abortion prochoice no abortion no
Fetus, products of conception, fertilized egg


unborn children (scientifically, a pregnant woman is a gravida like the preborn are fetuses, but we don't call her that, so why not use the more familiar term?), pre-born children.

prochoice, prochoice prochoice, prochoice
prochoice prochoice, pro-choice, abortion, abortionist, women, woman, fetal, pregnancy, prolife, pro-life, anti-abortion, fetus, embryo, anti-life, clinic, doctor, pregnant, debate, feminist, informationpro abortion prochoice no prochoice, pro-choice, abortion, abortionist, women, woman, fetal, pregnancy, prolife, pro-life, anti-abortion, fetus, embryo, anti-life, clinic, doctor, pregnant, debate, feminist, informationabortion no
pregnant woman, woman
prochoice, prochoice prochoice, prochoice
prochoice pro abortion prochoice prochoice, pro-choice, abortion, abortionist, women, woman, fetal, pregnancy, prolife, pro-life, anti-abortion, fetus, embryo, anti-life, clinic, doctor, pregnant, debate, feminist, informationno abortion no
terminating a pregnancy
abortion, killing preborn children, murder
prochoice, prochoice prochoice, prochoice
prochoice pro abortion prochoice no abortion no
choice abortion
prochoice, prochoice prochoice, prochoice
prochoice pro abortion prochoice no abortion no
reproductive rights the right to kill
prochoice, prochoice prochoice, prochoice
prochoice pro abortion prochoice no abortion no
restrictive laws

Prochoice Sucks! Prochoice really sucks big! Prochoice Sucks! Prochoice really sucks big!

protective laws (protect both women and preborn women)