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Truth is powerful and inbodies those who seek it with an open mind.
Who Are There Prochoice Wackos Any Ways?
Prchoice Choice Wacko Types
Here is a list of prochoice wackos. Read the list and see if you figure out why these types of people have chosen to be prochoice, and if they profit from prochoice activites.
Abortion Providers
– those who gain financial profit from the lucrative abortion industry.  Includes clinics and their employees, many doctors, some medical equipment suppliers, etc.
Some Politicians
– those whoprofit from misguided positive public opinion on abortion to gain support for their entire candidacy or viewpoint.
Some women's rights activits
– those who profit by women's ignorance about abortion, touting the misconception that abortion is (or could be) a "women’s right"
- those who once had an abortion, and now derive (temporary) emotional profit by continually trying to suppress the reality and pain of what they did through abortion advocacy.
– those who profit by their own personal enjoyment of being (in their own mind) "progressive or contrarian" on a controversial issue.