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Fetal Development: Conception
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Conception to 6 Weeks
The DNA of this new person contains their genetic blueprints and has already determined their sex, hair and eye color, hair height, etc.
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At the moment of conception a human being becomes a life, complete with 46 chromosomes. You start out as just one cell, but within 24 hours, your cell divides and you become two cells. Every 12 hours your cells divide, from 2 cells to 4 cells, then all 4 cells divide into 8 cells, and so on.
on articles, human life,
2 to 4 Weeks Gestation
Just five days after conception you become about 2,500 cells. Once you reach this stage, you are called a blastocyst. For the last 4 days you have been traveling down your mothers fallopian tube. Once you reach your
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mother's uterus you break free from your egg shell, and implant into your mothers uterus. Don't worry, your placenta is in control, just kick back and enjoy the ride.
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By 18-21 days your heart has begun beating and circulating your blood supply and the foundation of your brain , spinal cord and nervous system have already been established. Your backbone, muscles, arms, legs, eyes and ears have begun to develop.
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5 to 7 Weeks Gestation
6 Weeks  
Brain waves can now be detected and recorded, and your liver has taken over the production of blood cells. Your brain is being to control body movements Your jaw forms, including teeth budin is the gums.
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