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Tennessee Radio Host Claims Gore Hiding Arrest Record
Date: November 6, 2000
On Friday Vice President Al Gore told Tennessee's KCCI-TV that he'd never been arrested for drunk driving. "Absolutely not," Gore said. "I've had speeding tickets, but no. Absolutely not." Apparently the veep told the truth about not being arrested for DUI. But WREC AM Memphis talk show host Mike Fleming says there's more to the "speeding ticket" story than meets the eye. According to a Tennessee government source who Fleming describes as "unimpeachable," Gore was not just ticketed for speeding, he was arrested. And then he was arrested a second time for reckless driving. "It happened near his home in Carthage, Tennessee, in the late 1960s," Fleming told Monday. "Not only did they arrest him twice, Gore tried to get away from them once." Fleming's source says Gore was driving a Corvette at the time and he "took out about seventy feet of fence row" while on the run from the cops. Fleming went public with the info on his radio show Friday afternoon, going so far as to name the two Tennessee Highway Patrol arresting officers - Capt. Ralph Swift and Officer R.C. Overstreet. Since his report, Fleming has had several inquiries from mainstream press outlets. But so far, no one has picked up the story. Calls by to Capt. Swift and Officer Overstreet have yet to be returned. But when apprised of the subject of our inquiry, a secretary in Swift's Highway Patrol office seemed to know about the incident. "Oh yes," she said. "Capt. Swift will have to get back to you about that."